Landscaping Report

Landscaping Report 9/16/24
* Grass Re-seeding with winter turf will take place in October/November.  Please lookout for email updates from Daniel, the community manager. 
Landscape Maintenance Progress 09/29 – 10/05
Old Red Rock Crew
Finished cycle week 5
New Red Rock Crew
Finished cycle week 5, spent extra time policing trash
Notable Landscaping Tasks for 10/06 – 10/12
Old Red Rock Crew
Continue to mow grass low in preparation for over seeding
Remove suckers from trees along Red Rock Rd
Remove dead shrubs wherever found
Plug unused irrigation emitters
New Red Rock Crew
Continue to mow grass low in preparation for over seeding
If the crew finishes their cycle early, I have asked them to go around the community and remove dead shrubs
Key Maintenance Tasks For All Cycles
Weed removal (weeds under 3 inches are pulled, weeds over 3 inches are sprayed)
Removing desert broom wherever encountered as it spreads quickly
Blowing off debris
Cleaning up inside basins
Lightly pruning trees for clearance, shape, and to remove suckers
Shaping shrubs where needed
Turf care (mowing, weed removal, any necessary fertilization or watering adjustments)

Red Rock Village Community is serviced by:
755 W Grant Rd
Tucson, AZ  85705